Management Plan

Proposed Plan Amendment

The Richfield-Bloomington Watershed Management Organization is soliciting comments on a proposed minor plan amendment to incorporate a Grant Program into the Implementation Program (Section 5) of the WMO’s Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. The WMO Board provided direction to staff to develop a grant program for the RBWMO area. It was identified that in order to implement a grant program for the WMO a minor amendment to the plan is required.

The draft amendment can be viewed here.

As of January 29th, 2025, the WMO is releasing the proposed minor plan amendment for the 30-day statutory review and comment period. Comments are due on Friday, February 28, 2025. The WMO invites submission of written comments on the minor plan amendment. Comments may be submitted by mail or email and must be received by Friday, February 28. Comments should be submitted to:

Comments on the minor plan amendment must also be submitted to Jen Dullum, Board Conservationist, Board of Soil and Water Resources, at

In addition to receiving written comments, the WMO will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 6:00 PM at the Richfield Municipal Center, 6700 Portland Ave S, Richfield, MN, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to address the WMO Board of Managers concerning the proposed minor plan amendment. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Board of Managers will weigh all comments received in writing and offered at the public hearing before considering the adoption of the minor plan amendment.

RBWMO's Purpose

The Richfield-Bloomington Water Management Organization's (RBWMO) purpose is to preserve and use natural water storage and retention systems within the Richfield-Bloomington Watershed to meet the purposes set forth in the Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act.

Management Plan Update

The RBWMO board adopted the updated Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan at the March 5, 2018 Annual Meeting.
Click HERE to view the adopted Plan.

The plan must focus on preserving and using natural water storage and retention systems to:

Previous Richfield-Bloomington Watershed Management Plan - July 2008

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